Finance Metals & Minerals News

CMR raises £900,000 for Igli silver option

Critical Mineral Resources plc has raised £900,000 for the newly signed exclusive option to acquire the high-grade copper-silver Igli project in the Anti-Atlas, Morocco. TARGETS A total £750,000 was raised yesterday through the issue of a convertible loan note, of which a “significant” proportion will come from Swiss and UAE-based Prism Group AG. The company […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Alba raises £300,000 via placing

Alba Mineral Resources plc has raised £300,000 in a placing and subscription of 857,142,857 new ordinary shares at 0.035 pence per ordinary share. USES Chairman George Frangeskides subscribed for 48,571,428 shares for £17,000 and non-executive director Michael Nott subscribed for 8,571,428 (£3,000). Following admission, the total number of ordinary shares in issue will be 9,175,447,238, with voting rights. The […]

Metals & Minerals News

Altona secures more time for Sesana option

Altona Rare Earths plc has agreed a further extension to the Sesana copper option in Northwest District, Botswana. The binding agreement for the PL2329/2023 is valid for copper, cobalt, gold, silver, lead, zinc, aluminium, chromium, iron, titanium and platinum group metals. The company has extended the exclusivity period with Ignate African Minerals Ltd until 15 August […]