News Oil & Gas

Block issues bonus-incentive share options

Block Energy plc has awarded bonuses of 22,607,850 nil cost options, of which 20,945,032 are to directors or persons discharging managerial responsibilities, over ordinary shares of 0.25p each. AWARDS The awards, under the company’s performance-related bonus scheme for senior executives, are made in February for the previous year. The awards can be in cash, shares […]

Metals & Minerals News

Panther to begin Obonga graphite exploration

Panther Metals plc plans to start graphite-focused ground exploration on the Awkward and Awkward East prospect areas on the eastern side of the Obonga project, Ontario. TARGET The project covers 90% (291km2) of the district scale Obonga greenstone belt. Awkward is also prospective for nickel-copper-platinum group element bearing magmatic conduits as well as graphite. Panther […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Kavango restructures board

Kavango Resources plc has restructured its board to have a more commercial and strategic focus. Chief executive officer Ben Turney will moved to Zimbabwe to lead the company’s business there. Donald McAlister and Alexandra (Alex) Rose Gorman join the board, Peter Wynter Bee takes on a new role of deputy chairman, while Brett Grist and […]

Metals & Minerals News

Golden Metal plans for Desert Scheelite PFS

Golden Metal Resources plc appointed a consortium to plan for the preliminary feasibility study on the Desert Scheelite deposit at the Pilot Mountain tungsten project in Nevada. PERMITS Bara Consulting Ltd will work with and lead Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Ptd Ltd and Bomenco Minerals Engineering Corp to evaluate existing technical information and provide a plan of actions, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tolsa prepares to test Pioche extensions

Sunrise Resources plc said that plans for boreholes and further trenching would test extensions at its Pioche sepiolite project in Nevada. OPTIMISTIC Potential purchaser Tolsa S.A is working with the US authorities to obtain approval for 13 holes, each to a maximum of 130ft deep, as well as three large trenches for a total 300m. […]