Finance Metals & Minerals News

Golden Metal receives £430,000 via warrant exercise

Golden Metal Resources plc received notices to exercise warrants over 4,001,317 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the company at an exercise price of 10.75p per warrant share for £430,141.57. On admission the company’s issued share capital will comprise 100,813,444 ordinary shares of 1p each, each with voting rights.

News Oil & Gas

Orcadian in line for Earlham-Clover

Orcadian Energy plc is in line for a southern North Sea licence, adding to the two central North Sea licences previously awarded in the 33rd licensing round. DEVELOPMENT Licence blocks 49/25b, 50/21a, 49/30a and 50/26 contain the Earlham discovery with a high inerts content and the “exciting” undrilled prospect of Clover. The company said that […]

News Oil & Gas

Baron Oil exits UK

Baron Oil plc has exited the UK after failing to secure new North Sea blocks in the 33rd licensing round and the earlier relinquishment of the Dunrobin-Golspie joint venture licence. Chief executive Dr Andy Butler said: “We can now focus all our attentions on our core area of SE Asia, where we have an exciting […]

News Oil & Gas

Europa declines UK offshore licence

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc has declined the offer of a licence by the North Sea Transition Authority in the 33rd offshore licensing round. OPPORTUNITIES The regulator had awarded the licence as a marriage between the company and another party. Europa declined the marriage and the full licence should NSTA decide to offer it […]